AdminGeekZ Provides

Linux PCI DSS Compliance Services

AdminGeekZ will scan your site for potential PCI DSS compliance issues at no charge. If we find anything that warrants your attention, we will put together a plan to bring you up to standards. You are free to act upon our recommendations with no obligation to us, or if you choose, AdminGeekZ can make the compliance process painless by attending to your needs for you.

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PCI DSS Compliance Services
PCI DSS Compliance Services

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a security specification created by the PCI Security Standards Council to ensure online merchants transact business in the most secure manner possible. This standard carries within it requirements for security management, policies, procedures, network architecture, software design and other critical protective measures.

The PCI Security Standards Council includes members such as American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard Worldwide and Visa Inc.


Contact us

Contact us today to learn more about our Linux PCI DSS Compliance Services. We can scan your website for potential PCI DSS compliance issues, If we find anything that warrants your attention, we will put together a plan to bring you up to standards. AdminGeekZ can make the compliance process painless by attending to your needs for you.

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